Thank you for your interest in submitting to the 8th issue of Descent Magazine! Our Fall 2024 theme is Adrenaline. You can learn more about this semester’s theme and check out our submission guidelines below.
Boom! Wind rushes by, the world blurs. A twitch sets in – a heartbeat stitches in accelerando. Moonlight bleeds away; stars decay. Move. Burst from shackles. Dare to fly. With Descent’s eighth issue, we urge you to channel the spark of adrenaline. Light a spark, take a plunge, bite into an idea and tear. Release pieces that scream, that riot.
On your marks, get set, go!
What is Adrenaline?
Interested in contributing to Descent's
Fall 2024 print and digital issues?
Submit to our
Fall 2024 Issue
If you're interested in being published in a print magazine that elevates APISA voices, Descent encourages you to submit to our semesterly issue. We accept literary, art, and multimedia submissions from both undergraduate and graduate students at USC to publish in either our print magazine, socials, or website.
Submissions for this semester are closed. Please follow @descentusc on Instagram for Spring 2025 submission updates.
Model for our
Fall Issue
Want to build your modeling portfolio?
Are you interested in modeling in a future Descent Magazine Issue? Fill out the form below to tell us about yourself and we will add you to our model list. Everyone is welcome — you don't have to be of APISA descent or have prior experience to model!
Enter our annual
writing contest
Descent x Kaya Press
Coinciding with the release of our issues, Descent Magazine invites you to submit your work to our semesterly writing contest! Thanks to our partner Kaya Press, the winner of the contest will receive a surprise book from Kaya’s catalog, in addition to publication in “coalesce.” Any honorable mention(s) for the contest will receive Kaya swag, in addition to publication in the issue.
As a USC student organization, we currently only accept submissions from USC students. Grad students are also encouraged to submit.
Guidelines regarding specific types of submissions:
Fiction/prose submissions must be maximum 2500 words, 1.5 spaced.
Poetry submissions must be maximum 4 pages, 1.5 spaced.
Art submissions should be a minimum of 300dpi. We accept .png, .jpg, and .tiff formats.
General information
Multimedia submissions are welcome! We’ll work with you to find the best way to represent your work. Please submit a YouTube/Vimeo link for review, and we may ask you to send us the file of your work.
We do accept previously published work. Please let us know where else it has been published.
You are welcome to submit multiple pieces and to multiple genres.
Please submit separate submissions for each genre/work.
Please specify if you’re submitting a collection of pieces (and the order) you want to be reviewed as a whole.
We may request that you edit your work prior to publication.
We will send a copy of the final draft of the magazine so that you can review the formatting of your submission prior to publication. If you do not respond with changes within the set time, we will move forward with publishing.
By submitting your work, you agree to the above terms.