Phil and Olga
Words by Gia Nicole Carillo // Published November 27th, 2023
My Lolo can't say an f-word. His accent turns fs into ps. “Good pood” “Pocus on your studies” “Don’t porget your Lola.” He talks about the Philippines, how I have to visit the most beautiful beaches in the world, and how the Christmas spirit there is unlike anywhere else. Lolo cooks the same breakfast for me every visit: last night's meat from dinner mixed with rice and a runny egg. He wakes up at 4:00 in the morning and prays the rosary then plays basketball. Lolo is 88 years old yet refuses to slow down or let anyone else mow his grass. Lolo and Lola make me believe in love. They dance together to their records when they think no one is watching, laugh before the other can finish their joke, and live in peaceful, cohabitated silence. Lolo and Lola are proud of me, their Neng. And Neng is pucking proud of Lolo and Lola.
✺ For Coalesce, Issue 6
Gia Nicole Carillo (she/her) is a sophomore majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in Music Production. You can find her on Instagram @gia_nicol.e.
“I am a racially ambiguous girl who is very proud of her Filipina heritage. I love to write and Major in the Creative Writing program here at USC. I am an only child raised by a single mother which causes me to act 19 going on 50, an old soul if you will. And I have developed and crafted hilarious, dry humor. I also write music and would like to model something at least once in my life.”
Artist Statement: Coalesce is defined as "coming together as one." I believe a large part of that is generational "togetherness." We each "coalesce" our experiences and personalities which then makes up who we are as a person. My grandparents are a part of my person, and this is my story about the mutual appreciation and respect between the generations.